The use of shoes mold need to pay attention to?

by:BEF     2020-11-24
Shoes at the time of production to make a shoe mold, in according to the shoes mold production, then we use shoes mold need to pay attention to what? 1, shoe's molding silicon is not a dangerous goods, but also should be sealed storage and should put it in a cool place, avoid shoes mold silicone exposure by rain and sunshine. 2, in the operation of the operating personnel should avoid exposure to condensation type of silicone rubber vulcanizing machine. And amine, sulfur and phosphorus compounds in part of the metal salts can make rubber vulcanization does not occur phenomenon. 3, mold the silicone storage period is only half a year, if in the process of storage, all of a sudden increase in viscosity of shoes mold silicone, then under the action of shear force is under the action of mixing, can make its restore its shoes mold silicone liquid. We use shoes mold need mainly several matters need to pay attention to the above, I hope it can help you, we pay more attention to.
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