Southern power grid, sustain, electrician should choose correct work shoes

by:BEF     2020-07-27
Southern power grid, lights, guards, in the middle of the night, from work to to light, in the family to rest, waiting with a lamp light, and usually and warm. The development of Chinese coming from an era of kerosene lamp that, experience the changes of several generations, is the self this we see today. To let the public to better use electricity, in many remote places have pylon, make the electricity more convenient. This dry season in the autumn, electric safety is high on the agenda again, sometimes on the phone and to receive such electricity safely reminder, but in the face of high voltage, the operator of the security should be more concern their homework, at present there are many employers are equipping it with professional insulated shoes, but for a small percentage of employees to insulated shoes is not clear, often with anti-static shoes and insulation in the confused situation also happen from time to tome, between them is entirely USES different work shoes. Anti-static shoes have weak conductive function, so the body can be savings under static through the anti-static shoes into the underground, and insulated shoes are not conductive insulating materials, through insulated shoes can be the personal from the earth, let the person even if contact with conductive, also won't produce by the current through the body into the accident. Anti-static shoes people more widely used, the average person can wear, especially in the north, the winter weather is dry, especially easy to savings in the human body static electricity, wear anti-static shoes can effectively avoid the human body by static electric shock. And insulating shoes for maintenance electrician only use at work, in order to reduce the risk of electric shock. So, homework personnel should choose insulated shoes instead of with antistatic bottom of anti-static shoes is correct. Strong surplus shoes material co. , LTD. , dongguan city, is a set research and development, design, production and sales and puncture-proof cloth in the background, super light, super light shoes head, non-metallic hit safety shoes in the integration of technology companies, annual sales of safety shoes, labor protection shoes, hiking shoes, construction, fire protection shoes, armed police operations, special protection shoes, tel: 0769 - 88321396
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